Sunday, June 15, 2014

June 2, 2014 Letter from Elder Wilcox

Tuesday: Nothing to big happened on thursday, we taught one our investigators who is progressing towards baptism for augsut 23rd, and it went fairly well.

Wednesday: District meeting day!! I got to go to an all spanish district meeting, and I don't speak spanish. So it was quite fun. I sometimes am able to pick up the spanish that people speak, but sometimes i can't pick it up at all. I think I have a gift to understand spanish. I may have to learn spanish after my mission. We also got to teach an active family part of the first lesson. We are starting to teach all the youth in the ward, and it has been going well. We are just getting it started, but once we get it started, it's going to catch fire, and we'll be super busy.

Thursday: Exchange with the assistants. It was great! We have been pretty good at correcting each other on exchange, so we can select things we can improve on, as well so we stay humble.

Friday: MLC Day, it was another great meeting! Sometime here pretty soon i'll try and send you the recorded meetings. They are absolutely incredible, and spirit inspired. We talked all about planning, and president stated a fact that if we learn how to be good planners on our mission, we will be 2 to 3 times more successfull than other people. So planning is going to be something very important that i learn on my misison.

THe longer I have been out, the more i have realized that everything i am doing out here, is preparing me for real life, in a gospel oriented way, which means that i really get the help of the lord. I love it! It helps put a positive note on everything that we do.

Saturday: We taught our golden investigator who is a referall from our bishop. We talked about baptism with her, and she felt the numbers 22, so we committed her to pray about June 22nd, or July 22nd. As we were reading 2 nephi 2 with her, she randomly said July 4th. So we asked her to pray about july4th for baptism also. I will add the rest of this climatic story in the next paragraph :)

Sunday: She committed to baptism on July 4th!!! She has already asked our bishop to baptize her as well. It is so exciting! The work here is picking up. If all the people we are working with right now get baptized. That will be 6 people. When we haven't had a baptism in over 2 years.

 Things are going really well over here.

I am hanging out at about 150 pounds right now though. Which is a good thing. I don't remember if i ever told you that. I email jake roush, and he commented that I look a lot bigger. I feel healthier at the weight that i'm at, than trying to drop weight and get lower. I am also building some decent muscle with our workouts at the gym that we have each morning. It's nice to hit the weights hard, like back in high school. I am a lot weaker than i was then still, but i'm getting back.

The gospel is true! I know without a doubt. It's the only church that makes complete sense. It matches the blueprint that christ established perfectly. :)

I love you mom, I hope you have a great week, and keep on keeping on.

Love, Elder Wilcox

Oh my goodness this mommy heart is happy.  But I really miss my children.  I never realized that even when you are all grown up, you can still have growing pains:(

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