Friday, August 2, 2013


6 months ago, my oldest son left to serve a the Lord.  I cannot believe it has been 6 months.  I miss him as much as I did the day he left.  Time has not made that easier.
He has accomplished a lot in 6 months and his testimony is growing.  This week he was able to attend the Dallas Temple.  Jeff and I were married there 23 years ago.
He got a call from President Ames this week and will be training a new missionary.  He is really excited.
This weeks letter was 1/4 of  a page long.  A very short letter.  However,  he wrote Blake a 3 page letter.  I am ok with Blake receiving the best letter:). I have always told Austin that he is his brothers keeper.

1 comment:

  1. I'm sure it was a great letter to Blake. I hope the best for all your family. Love, the Wilcox clan from Boise.
